
91.  I should make most time of my university time to equip myself so that I can be competitive in the future.

92.  Diligent Students\

93.  Most people believe that students of my campus must be very diligent in that we study in Nanjing University which is one of the most famous colleges in China.

94.  The scene happened in last semester of my pal's visit to me is still clear and her words are still resounding in my ears.

95.  It was a sunny Saturday in autumn, my friend Jenny called me that she wanted to visit my campus-the best university in Jiangsu Province.

96.  I wore a smile on my face and showed her around my campus.

97.  As you see it's common in my campus to see students hurry to attend lessons.

98.  In my school, most students skip classes frequently.

99.  Besides, what I see here precisely convinces my opinion, doesn't it?

100.  '\

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