31.  What we see is a larger freedom for women to choose their jobs, to pursue their own career goals, to determine social roles of their own.

32.  This bond between mother and child will last until the child reaches his teenage years and during this period, men and women have to play their own roles in life.

33.  Years ago, the mainstream has announced that women are good at liberal arts as well as taking care of others while men own better logical thinking than women.

34.  In the past, men and women generally had their own roles to fulfill.

35.  Nowadays women can do just like every man does, going outside and fighting for their own careers.

36.  At the same time, they can do their own job well, which benefit for the society itself.

37.  Some people may say, when woman wants to start her own business like a man, this tradition will be a restraint and regarded as gender inequality.

38.  Women have their own features that men do not have.

39.  As a result, different roles are just a reflection of men and women's own features.

40.  According to my own conditions, I think I can point three steps to achieve the goal.

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