1.  The recent wave of corporate downsizing and research cutbacks in the U. S. has also tipped the scales.

2.  Recently, statistics have shown that more women than men are now earning college degrees, more women than men are employed, and women are climbing the corporate ladder in record numbers.

3.  Apple Inc co-founder and former CEO Steve Jobs, counted among the greatest CEOs in history, mentioned in the same breath as Henry Ford and other historical giants of corporate American, died at the age of 56.

4.  With so many women redefining "success" by leaving corporate America, often to start their own companies, their stories have some similar themes.

5.  A survey conducted by Catalyst, a nonprofit organization dedicated to expanding opportunities for women, evinces that women are increasingly occupying those jobs which are traditionally seemed to be taken by men and moving into senior corporate positions since the 1990s, which implies that heavy burdens of responsibility are passed on either.

6.  When Steve graduated, he created a computer company with his friend in a garage in the silicon valley, which is the famous Apple corporate.

7.  Maybe , there are many more differences among boys and girls , but these differences lead to a corporate problem .

8.  Firstly , telecommuting is not good to establish a good corporate culture .

9.  University students have the responsibility to create new origins and promote the social development, so they should corporate the knowledge and experience of different fields.

10.  So an advance in research is a corporate advance, but that does not mean they advance at the same time or the same direction, usually they undertake different tasks and they improve their skills separately and distinctly.

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