1.  Every day I will play soccer or basketball with my new friends.

2.  As far as I know, loving will play an crucial role in our life if we take it properly.

3.  As far as I'm concerned, Communication will play an essential role on your way to success, because an important tool of a good communication is communication.

4.  Instead, we would rather play basketball together.

5.  After all, qualities will play an important role in our future life.

6.  He would rather play football without words with his friends than chat with them.

7.  In my opinion, the biology will play an important role in our life.

8.  What kind of role will the robots play in our society?

9.  If I were a superman, I'd play the roles of a policeman, a fireman and even an emergency physician.

10.  Last but not least, thanks to my intelligence, I would play a significant part in the development of science and technology.

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