11.  Delany is convincing and sympathetic as the in-charge woman who needs to make room for love in her life.

12.  Delany's performance as Sarah, while over-the-top in the early going, befits a woman who really can do it all.

13.  Described over the years as demure and trim, with hazel eyes and a weakness for hats, the woman who invented kissable lipstick never married.

14.  Description: Loaded with shopping tools and helpful hints, this site offers women's, men's, and children's clothing plus luggage and home furnishings.

15.  Description: Web site includes apparel for kids, adults and pregnant women.

16.  Denver-based investment adviser Kathy Buys has set out to change that by writing a book designed to educate women on the basics of how to invest.

17.  Designed primarily for women and minorities, this program helps mid-career people get retrained as computer scientists.

18.  Designed to advise the state's government agencies on affirmative action hiring, the panels are staffed largely by women and minorities.

19.  Cultural resistance against women in any workplace held them back in the church as well, she said.

20.  Culturally, Love argues, the idea that menopausal women are somehow handicapped is more a reflection of our values and prejudices than our science.

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