
61.  Although I had cut out my afternoon Snickers and second helpings at supper, my waist grew bigger, not smaller.

62.  Although I have not actually had my genome screened, all the anatomical signs of Double-X Syndrome are there.

63.  Although I have tasted my share of worms from the bottom of mescal bottles, I have never seen worms on a Mexican menu before.

64.  As applied in federal courts, the Court's interpretation comports fully with my understanding of congressional intent.

65.  DeMilia is too much the diplomat to engage in my Olympic ruminations.

66.  Despite a cast that includes the estimable Edward Asner and the energetic Penelope Ann Miller, "The Closer" has less chemistry in it than my college transcript.

67.  Despite a confused computer system _ my electronic key malfunctioned twice _ it was a pleasant enough place.

68.  Despite a Welsh name and Scottish mother, I'm pretty sure some of my relatives came from either Italy or Germany.

69.  Democratize me, beginning with the man who examined my luggage on the dock in 1927.

70.  Despite my Bear troubles, the other guests and I quickly fell into an agreeable routine.

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