1.  Any stores Kmart eventually hopes to close are subject to approval by bankruptcy court because the stores are currently open and leases are active.

2.  Deputy Mayor Kelly Martin, a forum panel participant, said Riordan is open to other ideas, including Fleming's.

3.  Denver will launch Terrell Davis, a menace akin to lightning in an open field.

4.  Cuba's foreign minister has said that his government would welcome a more open relationship.

5.  Cullen said Labour wants "the maintenance of an open and competitive economy.

6.  Del Piero and Vieri worked intricate little passes in open space, but they could not produce a goal in the first half.

7.  Denver's airport has made all required payments to bondholders, is open and operating beyond expectations, Muse said.

8.  Cultural events are open to outsiders, and over the course of a summer about 142,000 people visit.

9.  Designers had considered canvas or vinyl awnings that could be rolled down, but they feared that they wouldn't withstand the elements when the park's roof was open.

10.  Deputy Mayor Noelia Rodriguez said Riordan is open to other suggestions.

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