1.  Although his wife and son may have given him the power drill of his dreams, nothing lights up a birthday party like a victory in a Tour stage.

2.  Any private party may get a bridge, but a state Bridge Proposal Review Committee decides on the suitability of its projected use.

3.  Dennis Hopper, the actor and art collector, held a party for Warhol to introduce him to Los Angeles artists and celebrities.

4.  Dennis, using a metaphor he turns to often, compared the music magazine industry to a party.

5.  Defying his party's opposition, Powell called it "one of the tools available to us to right the wrongs of the past."

6.  Cuellar said Friday he was not changing parties: "I am a Democrat and I'm staying as a Democrat."

7.  Cullinane also insists the Action Agenda doesn't replace the party's traditional commitments.

8.  Cullinane envisions convention committees convening online, sharing input with millions of grassroots activists, the party soliciting small-sum donations on line.

9.  Deri had apparently threatened to take his crucial party out of Netanyahu's coalition if the nomination were not made.

10.  Derivatives are complicated financial contracts between two or more parties where the contract's value is tied to an underlying asset or pre-existing index.

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